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Expanding Boundaries

Creative Thinking Residency
University of Dundee, Scotland

Montclair University students travel to the University of Dundee for 3 weeks to study Creative Thinking concepts and develop projects that combine elements of narrative, photography, video and live performance.  During this Creative Thinking Residency, students will go on field trips around Dundee and Scotland and use their experiences of place, culture, language and customs in the development of their creative projects.

Image by Marek Piwnicki

Learning Objectives

  1. Students will learn and incorporate the concepts of Creative Thinking and use those ideas in their reflections about their experience in Scotland.

  2. Students will collaborate with each other as they gather material for their creative projects.

  3. Students will reflect on the differences in culture, language, landscape and values during their experience in Scotland.

  4. Students will present their final projects and engage in a process of constructive feedback.

  5. Students will expand their ideas about their own professional goals and potential path.

Workshop Themes

New Places

Students will use concepts of Creative Thinking to reflect on the different aspects of being in a new place.

  • Students will keep a “creativity journal” and note down their observations.

  • Students will have assignments that bring them to specific locations in Dundee and throughout Scotland, e.g. museums, Edinburgh, historical sites, local parks to learn about the history of the area.

  • Students will use their observations from their field trips in their creative projects.


Students will engage in a collaborative process with other students as they work on creative projects.

  • Students will work on Creative Thinking assignments in small groups.

  • Students will learn about group dynamics and develop an understanding of their own role in a group process.

  • Students will work together to develop the material for their creative projects.

Creative Projects

Students will work on creative projects in small groups and develop a multi-media performance piece to present to the larger group.

  • Students will gather in small groups and begin the process of sketching out ideas for the final creative project.

  • Students will consider the elements of narrative writing, photography, video and live performance as part of their project.

  • Students will work with their group to create a cohesive project that reflects their experience of being in Scotland.

Summer Experience

Take a Look Inside

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